Land art and site specific sculpture - land art uses the environment and its scale as its material. Concrete art is expressed in material itself with which the artist introduces her non-representational objective. Public art can be viewed and accessed by observers.
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CITIES - sculptures and land art


The perspective projects the circular forms as two elliptical segments. This perspective aid is put to work in more cases by Lucien den Arend. Not seldom his patrons, and even some colleagues who advise them, ask him whether the proposed work could need a little more animation. As scale model a form consisting of the most elementary shapes can indeed look somewhat unexciting. But on a large scale the effect is sometimes unbelievably exhilarating.

Kemijärvi - Lapland - Finland - sculptures (site specific and public sculpture) in cities in Europe and America by Lucien den Arend - his site specific sculptures in the city of Kemijärvi

opening the arctic circle (avautuva napapiiri) - stainless steel - 2000x354x354cm - Kemijärvi culture center (kulttuurikeskus)FI photo © Mika Pohjantähti



3D anaglyph photographs of my sculpture
works©author: Lucien den Arend
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