Land art and site specific sculpture - land art uses the environment and its scale as its material. Concrete art is expressed in material itself with which the artist introduces her non-representational objective. Public art can be viewed and accessed by observers.
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sculpture by Lucien den Arend - HOME

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CITIES - sculptures and land art


In 1974 it was placed in the city's center.

Discoid form 1 is one of only three or four sculptures in which Lucien den Arend used texture resulting from applying the plaster with his hands. He felt that the surface would be strengthened by showing the movement of the process of constructing the work. The basic structure was one of iron rods bent to form the sharp contours which outline his sculpture. First rough burlap was stretched over the iron frame. This gave the concave/convex organic surface to these sculptures - while in fact their construction had a more mechanical origin. The geometric basis pointed the sculptor the way in his subsequent sculptures. It was the geometry which actually motivated him.

Bronze sculpture - public art

Discoid Form 1 - 1970 - bronze  Ø180x80cm - Assen center NL



3D anaglyph photographs of my sculpture
works©author: Lucien den Arend
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