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Ede my site specific sculptures revisited (Lucien den Arend)
Color is an element often overlooked. And when we artists use it in public art and site specific sculpture, the public will sometimes get mad at us. After a while they get used to it; but initially people are afraid of using color. Here in Ede, like in my other site specific projects, my red isn't red, my yellow isn't yellow, my white isn't white - and my black isn't black. There are numerous variations and colors have to work together - not only with other colors we choose, but with the colors of materials and plants on the site - and with the colors of the materials and plants which we choose to make the environment.
The perpendicular juxtaposition of the colored walls - my way of adding an extra dimension to the site which a conventional design by an engineer would not have offered.
primary colors - urban oasis - 1989/1993 - environment with swamp cypresses and retaining walls, center De Rietkampen, Ede
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