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Donald Judd
Friends of Donald Judd and friends at the dinner table.
My friend and colleague, Wim Smits, and I left Holland in the morning for a day's drive down to Switzerland. I had traded three of my Gerrit Rietveld church benches with Don for two of his works. The year before I had picked up one of his works at the gallery of Anne-Marie Verna in Zurich and already took three of the Rietveld benches with me. At first we had agreed to trade one bench for a work of Don. But Anne-Marie phoned me beforehand to ask me to bring three of my five benches and trade something else for the other two.
During the opening of Judd's show at the van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven, he asked me if I agreed with the offer Anne-Marie had made me. She had proposed a smaller work than the one I already had; but I thought it would be reasonable when the next trade (for two Rietveld benches) would be a larger work. Don agreed and invited me to come to his new place in Switzerland to visit with him and pick it up.
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Queen Beatrix
Moore Italy 1970
Henry Moore Italy 1971
Henry Moore Italy 3
Henry Moore
Jorma Hautala
- Kari Huhtamo - Matti Peltokangas
and Jeanne Claude
Truus Schröder-Schräder
John (Jack) Wesley and Hannah Green
Donald Judd
Gerard Fieret
3D anaglyph photographs of my sculpture
works©author: Lucien
den Arend
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