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Kari Huhtamo Art Foundation seminar
environmental sculpture - Lucien den Arend - ympäristötaide

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ENVIRONMENTAL SCULPTURE lecture - University of Lapland, Rovaniemi - environmental sculpture - bridge as envirnmental sculpture in Dirksland the Netherlands

1984/1990 and designs for Highway S47 (now N215)
The Provincial Department of Construction of the Province of Zuid-Holland NL, asked me to make a proposal for the new stretch of highway S47 (now N215) which was to bypass the towns Middelharnis, Sommelsdijk and Dirksland on the island of Goeree-Overflakkee in Zuid-Holland. I took into account the inherent qualities of the Goeree-Overflakkee landscape and visualized how the highway could relate to its surroundings by way of the integration of art. The Dirksland bridge was one of the main elements I designed and realized in this project.

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