Land art and site specific sculpture - land art uses the environment and its scale as its material. Concrete art is expressed in material itself with which the artist introduces her non-representational objective. Public art can be viewed and accessed by observers.
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northwards the view is quite different. The top of the hill hides the view beyond it. The buildings present themselves as silhouettes. The Hurinki Rock is there, but it plays a minimal role in the overall visual aspect of this area. Moreover, it is hidden from view by the projected buildings. More to the east one can perceive the Citymarket tower, its shape distinguishes itself in the landscape, but after that brief surprise it remains a rather uninteresting shape which doesn't arouse the imagination in any way. I only wondered what it was at first.

tämän alueen yleiseen visuaaliseen muotoon. Sitä paitsi se kätkeytyy suunnitteilla olevien rakennusten taakse. Idempänä voidaan havaita Citymarketin torni, sen muoto erottuu maisemassa, mutta tämän lyhyen yllätyksen jälkeen, se jää melko kiinnostamattomaksi muodoksi, joka ei kiihota mielikuvitusta millään tavoin. Kun näin sen ensimmäisen kerran, ihmettelin vain, mikä se on.


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