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The two crossing lines of the island are now paved with sea shells. The paths are flanked by rows of alder trees which grow well along the water's edge . This alder is a typical tree in the Dutch landscape. It can often be found along moats of castles; there they were regularly pollarded to maintain a certain height. The wood was used for various purposes and it is good firewood. The alder tree cycle starts when the tree is pollarded: the main trunk of a six-to ten-year-old tree is cut off at a height of about two meters from the ground. It then sprouts 50 to 150 shoots or coppices, all of which except for five or six are cut when they are one year old. It is this cultural aspect of the tree, like also the pollard willow, which motivates me to use it in my environmental projects.
Only one of the two lines of the cross is connected to the opposite shores - but minimally with transparent and light steel bridges. I chose this construction in order for the bridges to seem to be temporary. This is to strengthen the idea that this is an island. Both extremities of the second line end in the middle of the water. For me this exemplifies that not everything has to be functional. One can go there just for the experience.