Land Art workshop and lecture

LAND ART - public lecture at zlgevents courtyard - Kuala Lumpur

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LAND ART - public lecture at zlgevents courtyard - Kuala Lumpur DSW garden - white pipes grass and three whitwashed linden trees, Dordrecht Holland

The three white pipes not only validate the wave of the lava field and suggest their possible technical function - they also relate to the whitewashed trunks of the three linden trees (Tilia Europea). The Tilia Europea has been used for centuries in front of Dutch farmhouses. Their branches were forced to grow in a flat plane parallel to the facade of the building. In this way they kept the sun from shining through the windows. The trunks are almost always whitewashed. I have not found the actual reason for this yet; it may be to keep insects away. On the other hand, I think, it has a lot to do with the cleanliness of the Dutch to keep the direct vicinity of their homes neat and clean. For me it was the (not only the cultural) identification of objects which inspired me to use them in a different context - especially during this period.

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