Land art and site specific sculpture - land art uses the environment and its scale as its material. Concrete art is expressed in material itself with which the artist introduces her non-representational objective. Public art can be viewed and accessed by observers.
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Linear Sculpture - Sculpture in Lines

Two spirals emerge from  the ground, perpendicular to it.

Two spirals emerge from the ground and start perpendicular to it, they move up, over and end on the ground. When I applied for this project, which was to result in a monument for Professor Dirk Durrer, I expected they were looking for a bust of him. One of his students, my physician, told me that Durrer would never have wanted a portrait made in his honor. That gave me courage and I thought about the graphic lines in electrocardiograms. They could also be interpreted as projections of some of my sculptures. The title of this sculpture refers to a muscle in the heart. It is translated from the Latin above, "what moves first dies last"; was the title of the inaugural lecture by Prof. Durrer in 1957. The reference the sculpture makes to the title was suggested to me after I presented my proposal to the committee.


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works©author: Lucien den Arend
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