Land art and site specific sculpture - land art uses the environment and its scale as its material. Concrete art is expressed in material itself with which the artist introduces her non-representational objective. Public art can be viewed and accessed by observers.
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Linear Sculpture - Sculpture in Lines

spiral and counter spiral.
1976 - renversé en dehors- cunifer - 94x66x90cm

My first works were solid volumes. Unknowingly they were enclosed - determined by their contours. I started to realize that I needed these as guidelines which enabled me to tool the surfaces which I needed to compose my sculptures. Perhaps "compose" is a big word because it implies that I the line came after the surface in my plans; but actually the shapes flowed from the linear contours. So along the way I recognized that they were for me more important than the volume itself. They defined the space within the sculpture.


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works©author: Lucien den Arend
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this site was developed by DutchDeltaDesign
Seppäläntie 860  51200 Kangasniemi Finland
telephone +358 (0)44 264 12 12
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