Land art and site specific sculpture - land art uses the environment and its scale as its material. Concrete art is expressed in material itself with which the artist introduces her non-representational objective. Public art can be viewed and accessed by observers.
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CITIES - sculptures and land art

Rhoon, Albrandswaard

Albrandswaard commissioned me to make a proposal for the reconstruction, in Rhoon, of a sculpture I originally produced for The Hague. But just before it was to be put into place, the public works department notified the advisory committee that the intersection over which the arch was to be placed would undergo a reconstruction and would be enlarged. The two large curved pipes and other parts were stored for six years and returned to me afterwards.

I found Rhoon, in Albrandswaard, interested in reconstructing the work. Rhoon is a rural town neighboring the world's largest harbor, Rotterdam. Together with surrounding towns it forms the new municipality called Albrandswaard.

arch to Rhoon - 1988/present - steel - Ø50 1250x1250x1250cm - a second proposal for the Groenekruisweg entrance to Rhoon NL

After this location was not approved after some years of inactivity, there were four more which were studied. At the time of this writing the fifth location may have an actual chance of success.


see the construction pages for the Rhoon Albrandswaard sculpture

Construction of the sculpture in Rhoon Albrandswaard

"Gaea" - the final location for the monumental red steel sculpture along the Rhoonsebaan in Albrandswaard, Netherlands.
"Gaea" - the final location for the monumental red steel sculpture along the Rhoonsebaan in Albrandswaard, Netherlands. An access road will pass under the sculpture. photo © Jo Polak

3D anaglyph photographs of my sculpture
works©author: Lucien den Arend
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